Thursday, July 12, 2018

Generate Delve link dynamically using User's Email ID

Have you ever wondered to have a link on user name that navigates to their Delve page?
Well there's a solution. It works on SharePoint Online.

Requirement: A SharePoint page in SharePoint Online that displays lists users of the current site with their permission levels. End user should have the ability to view the user's Delve page.

Solution: Delve has several Query string properties.
                u = user id
                v = delve sections (eg: v=work or v=profiledetails)
                p = email id

By default, when you navigate to Delve page, it uses the parameter "u". I feel it is bit difficult to fetch user ID (guid) than email ID. Therefore we can use the parameter "p".

Note: You cannot use full email address. It should be user's login name.

Let us assume the user from xyz organization.

User: John doe
Login name:
Full email:

Then the Delve url for John would be<user's login name>&v=work

Hope you find it useful ! :)